Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Why I start by "I HATE U BOTH!!!!" cos I dam angry!!! It's a long story la... Today I want to wash my clothes than my mummy bf ask me to help my mummy wash some of her clothes. Than I ask him will the clothes stain mine than he said wont la. Than I of cos must help my mummy la so I help her wash cos since it wont stain. Than after dinner my clothes finish washing le than when I wanted to hang than I found that all my white color clothes all stain color! Than I'm sure is not from my clothes cos I wash so many times I'm sure is not mine, if is mine all my white clothes will sure stain perviously and not today lor. So I'm sure is my mummy clothes FOR SURE!!!!!

Than I started to be abit pissed la cos got one is new one and the other one is my friend design for me one la. Whole world only got one. Of cos I'm angry la. Than my mummy ask me why help her wash than I just push the blame to her bf. I said that is your bf ask me to help u wash ok! Than she speechless. Than her bf act like nothing happen la. DAM ANGRY!!!!!!! Than both of them now hide inside the room dun dare to stay in the living room. STUPID LA BOTH OF THEM!!!! FUCK THEM!!!!!

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